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SAM core module

lbuild module: modm:platform:core

This module specializes the generic modm:platform:cortex-m module with SAM-specific startup code and linkerscripts.


The __modm_initialize_platform() callback is implemented here to change the default QOS values to have the best performance and correct USB behaviour.


Currently only one basic linkerscript is supported.

            ┌────────────────────────┐◄ __ram_end
            │  +HEAP_RAM             │
            │  .noinit_ram           │
            │  .noinit               │
            │  .faststack            │
            │  .bss_ram              │
            │  .bss                  │
            │  .data_ram             │
            │  .data                 │
            │  .fastdata             │
            │  .fastcode             │
    RAM     │  +MAIN_STACK_SIZE      │◄ __main_stack_top
0x2000 0000 └────────────────────────┘◄ __ram_start

            ┌────────────────────────┐◄ __flash_end
            │        (unused)        │
            ├────────────────────────┤◄ __rom_end
            │  .table.heap           │
            │  .table.copy.extern    │
   tables   │    │
            │  .table.copy.intern    │
            │    │
            │                        │
            │  .data_ram             │
    copy    │  .data                 │
    only    │  .fastcode             │
            │  .fastdata             │
            │                        │
            │    │
            │  .assertion            │
            │  .hardware_init        │
            │ (.eh_frame)            │
    read    │ (.ARM.exidx)           │  only with C++ exceptions enabled
    only    │ (.ARM.extab)           │
            │  .init_array           │
            │  .init                 │
            │  .rodata               │
            │  .text                 │
   FLASH    │  .vector_rom           │
0x0800 0000 └────────────────────────┘◄ __rom_start, __flash_start

This module is only available for sam.


modm:platform:core modm_platform_core modm: platform: core modm_platform_cortex_m modm: platform: cortex-m modm_platform_core->modm_platform_cortex_m

Limited availability: Check with 'lbuild discover' if this module is available for your target!