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HMC58x3 3-Axis Digital Magnetometer

lbuild module: modm:driver:hmc58x

The HMC58x3 is a surface-mount, multi-chip module designed for low-field magnetic sensing with a digital interface for applications such as low-cost compassing and magnetometry. The HMC58x3 includes high-resolution magneto-resistive sensors plus an ASIC containing amplification, automatic degaussing strap drivers, offset cancellation, and a 12-bit ADC that enables 1-2 degrees compass heading accuracy.


modm:driver:hmc58x modm_driver_hmc58x modm: driver: hmc58x modm_architecture_i2c_device modm: architecture: i2c.device modm_driver_hmc58x->modm_architecture_i2c_device modm_architecture_register modm: architecture: register modm_driver_hmc58x->modm_architecture_register modm_math_utils modm: math: utils modm_driver_hmc58x->modm_math_utils