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STM32 CMSIS Headers

lbuild module: modm:cmsis:device

This module wraps the CMSIS headers for STM32 devices and provides the header file and CPP definitions for accessing the modm:target peripherals. Specifically, it copies the target header file which provides the CMSIS implementation of the target's language interface for its memory-mapped peripherals.

Discrepancies between documentation and headers

These CMSIS headers should reflect what's written in the documentation, however, in our experience there may be small differences in naming, behavior and availability between it and this implementation.

The generated header file modm/platform/device.hpp contains the necessary target define STM32{FAMILY}{NAME}xx or similar and includes the modm:target-specific header.

Include only modm/platform/device.hpp!

This file is only included by interface implementations inside the modm/platform folder! If you need to implement your own drivers, include only this file.

CMSIS Compliance

modm implements the target specific CMSIS functionality itself, without using the CMSIS interface. This is necessary to provide similar functionality on non-Cortex-M based targets.

  • uint32_t SystemCoreClock contains an up-to-date value of CPU frequency.
  • void SystemCoreClockUpdate() does nothing, it's a weak empty function.
  • void SystemInit() is undefined: modm defines its own startup architecture, see the modm:platform:core module for details.

Debugging Peripherals

When debugging with GDB, it can sometimes be difficult to access peripherals, due to the CMSIS implementation with CPP defines and GCC optimization flags. Depending on these circumstances, GDB may only "see" a peripheral in a certain context, which can make the debugging experience quite frustrating.

To aid this, we generate a linkerscript fragment and source file, which place the peripherals memory as real objects in the peripheral memory space. You can then access these peripherals inside GDB at any time, regardless of context and build profile setting:

(gdb) p/x *GPIOB
$1 = {
  MODER = 0xaa0280,
  OTYPER = 0x300,
  OSPEEDR = 0x2a00c0,
  PUPDR = 0x400100,
  IDR = 0xfd0,
  ODR = 0x100,
  BSRR = 0x0,
  LCKR = 0x0,
  AFR = {0x0, 0x7744}

This does not have any effect on your firmware! It is purely a debug helper feature and none of these definitions make it into the executable.

Beware read/write side-effects

When debugging be aware of the side-effects that your read or write to a peripheral memory location can have. It's fairly obvious that a write may have consequences, but also reads can modify peripheral state, for example, a hardware FIFO buffer may pop the queue if your read the top of it.

This module is only available for stm32.



Gives information about the STM32 header files. For example the STM32F469:

  • family_define: STM32F4
  • define: STM32F469xx
  • core_header: core_cm4.h
  • system_header: system_stm32f4xx.h
  • family_header: stm32f4xx.h
  • device_header: stm32f469xx.h

:returns: a dictionary with the above keys


All peripherals translated to the modm naming convention.

:returns: a sorted list of all peripheral names.


Finds all CMSIS bit fields related to enabling and resetting peripherals in the RCC of the format RCC_(REGISTER)_(PERIPHERAL)_(TYPE) where:

  • REGISTER: a variation of (BUS)(ID?)(ENR|RSTR), e.g. AHB1ENR
  • PERIPHERAL: typical peripheral name, e.g. GPIOA
  • TYPE: either EN or RST.

:returns: a 2D-dictionary: map[PERIPHERAL][TYPE] = REGISTER


modm:cmsis:device modm_cmsis_device modm: cmsis: device modm_cmsis_core modm: cmsis: core modm_cmsis_device->modm_cmsis_core

Limited availability: Check with 'lbuild discover' if this module is available for your target!