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STM32F030 Demo Board

lbuild config: modm:stm32f030_demo

STM32F030F4P6 Minimum System Development Board.

Cheap and bread-board-friendly board for STM32 F0 series. Sold for less than 1.5 USD on well known Internet shops from China.


Since the board doesn't have a programmer on-board, you need to use your own and specify which one you're using in a custom openocd.cfg file:

# Replace this with your custom programmer
source [find interface/stlink-v2.cfg]

# To select a specific programmer you can specify its serial number
#hla_serial "\\x53\\x3f\\x6f\\x06\\x51\\x77\\x50\\x57\\x12\\x17\\x13\\x3f"
# You can discover the serial via `stlink --hla-serial` or `st-info --hla-serial`.

Then include this file in your build options like so:

    <option name="modm:build:openocd.cfg">openocd.cfg</option>


    <option name="modm:target">stm32f030f4p6</option>